Glenn Morris at Indie Event at Wellesley Books, October 3rd

Glenn Morris, author of Obligation for Justice will be reading and meeting readers at an indie publishing event being held at Wellesley Books on Thursday evening, 3 October from 6 to 8 PM.

Rebecca Boyd, Fiction Editor at Post Road Magazine said, “Obligation for Justice is a compelling journey of the heart, replete with rich romance, mystery, intrigue, and finally, retribution you will root for. Every turn of the plot reflects what’s at stake for Ben Holt, a man who has separated from his brother, his first love, and the terrain he knows best along the north shore of Boston to pursue an international career in architecture. It’s not so much the external action and intrigue that drives this book as it is its authentic spirit and vulnerable interior voice. It is a thriller that will grab you from the get-go and wring your heart. I recommend it highly.”

You can get more info on the Wellesley Books website.